
Showing posts from September, 2021

Highlight Interactive Grid cells using MutationObserver API in Oracle APEX

This blog explains how to highlight the Interactive Grid cells using JavaScript instead of using the inbuilt highlight feature. Let us start with a one-line information about Mutation Observer:  The Mutation Observer provides the ability to watch for changes made in the DOM tree. What advantage does the Mutation Observer have when compared to the normal way of highlighting. Let me tell this with an example.    Customer: I want an Editable  Interactive Grid that highlights the status field on Page Load and when the changes are made and saved. The color must also remain when sorting, filtering etc.. is applied to the IG.    In the usual way, if I have to achieve this, I should create a JavaScript function that highlights the IG and call the function "on page load, on save of the IG and on page change of the IG" . So, I was thinking, how can this be achieved using a single piece of code instead of calling it in each event. Mutation Observer helped me to achie...