Refresh a region on change of tabs in Region Display Selector in Oracle APEX
Region Display Selector i s a Region component that provides a page level navigation control for other regions on the with the Region Display Selector property set to Yes . It can be configured to work in two modes: View Single Region Show regions as tabs. Selecting a tab will make the corresponding region visible and hide the other selections. Scroll Window Always display all the regions on the page. Selecting a tab will scroll your window to the corresponding region. Follow the instructions below to add a Region Display Selector to your own pages: 1) Create a Region Display Selector region and place it in the Breadcrumb region position on your page. 2) Modify the other regions on the page and set the Region Display Selector property to Yes for the regions that you want to appear in the Region Display Selector. 3) Provide a static ID to the region which that has to be refreshed on change ...