Show custom headings for a shuttle item in Oracle APEX


SHUTTLE item type is used for multiple values manipulation in Oracle APEX.

This blog explains how to set custom headings for the Shuttle Item.

1) Create a Shuttle Item (In this example it is P28_COLORS_SHUTTLE).

2) Paste the below javascript code in the Execute When Page Loads section
 $('#P28_COLORS_SHUTTLE table').prepend('<tr><td colspan="2"><b>Colors</b></td><td colspan="2"><b>Selected Colors</b></td></tr>');
The above javaScript code can be customized by adding color, changing the font weight etc..
Note: P28_COLORS_SHUTTLE must be replaced with the Item Name that you have created.  

Before adding the code

After adding the code

Click here for DEMO

Thank you :) 


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