Creating a jQuery Dialog Alert in Oracle APEX

In this post I will be explaining how to create a
jQuery Dialog Alert in Oracle APEX.
  • Usually developers use the standard alert or apex.message to show an alert or confirm message. 
  • When it comes to customized message box it is a better approach to create a jQuery Dialog Alert.
Follow the below steps to achieve this:

1) Paste the below JavaScript code in the Function and Global Variable Declaration section.
var openDialog = function (dTitle,dMessage ) {
                    if ( !dTitle ) {
                        dTitle = 'Dialog';
                    if ( !dMessage ) {
                        dMessage = 'No message to display...';
                    $('<div></div>').html( dMessage ).dialog({
                        title: dTitle,
                        dialogClass: "dialog-class",
                        resizable: false,
                        modal: true,
                        buttons: [
                                        text: "Cancel",
                                        click: function() {
                                                    //your code...
                                                    //in this example: $( this ).text("Cancel Clicked!");
                                        text: "Ok",
                                        click: function() {
                                                    //your code...  
                                                    //in this example: $( this ).dialog( 'close' );
 2) To call this function (to open the jQuery dialog), 
  • Create a dynamic action (in this example: on click of a button)
  • Create a True Action -> Execute JavaScript code.       
  • Paste the below code:                   
openDialog('Your jQuery Dialog Title','Your jQuery Dialog Content');

  Note: Use the reference link to perform more customization as per the requirement.  

Click here for DEMO

Happy CODING!!!

Thank you


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