Display Inline Popup as Callout in Oracle APEX

In this blog I will be explaining, how to display an Inline Popup as a callout.

Follow the below steps to achieve this:

1) Create a Region 

2) Create a Button in the region, provide a static ID to the button (Advanced -> Static ID)



3) Create another Region  and select the below properties for the region.

  • Layout -> Position -> Inline Dialogs (Optional)
  • Appearance -> Template -> Inline Popup
4) Click on the Template Options (Appearance -> Template Options) of the region.

The below mentioned points are mandatory: 
  • Check the Display Popup Callout checkbox. 
  • Choose a Callout Position from the list.
All the other options can be chosen based on the requirement.

5) Paste the below piece of code in the Advanced -> Custom Attributes section of the region. 


  • In the above piece of code, replace YOUR_STATIC_ID with the static ID that has been provided for the button.  
  • The Popup Callout is NOT restricted only for buttons.
  • ID of  Regions or Items etc.. can be provided instead of YOUR_STATIC_ID to show the callout.
6) Create an On Click Dynamic Action for the button. 

7) Create a True Action (Action -> Open Region). Select the Inline Popup region that has been created in step 3.

Please visit the demo page to see some example callouts.

Click here for DEMO

Happy CODING!!!

Thank you :)


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