IG Hack - #3, Different ways to Hide Save Button Using JavaScript/CSS in Oracle APEX Interactive Grid

In this post we will see, Different ways to hide save button using JavaScript/CSS in Oracle APEX Interactive Grid.

Method 1: 

Using any one of the below JavaScript code in the Execute When Page Loads section of the page.



$("#YOUR_IG_STATIC_ID .a-Button.a-Toolbar-item.js-actionButton.a-Button--hot[data-action='save']").hide();

Method 2: 

Using the below JavaScript code in the JavaScript Initialization Code section in the Interactive Grid.

function (config)
    var $ = apex.jQuery,
        toolbarData = $.apex.interactiveGrid.copyDefaultToolbar(),
        toolbarGroup = toolbarData.toolbarFind( "actions2" );

    //Hide save button
    config.toolbarData = toolbarData;

  return config;

Method 3: 

Using the below CSS in the CSS > Inline  section of the page.

#YOUR_IG_STATIC_ID .a-Button.a-Toolbar-item.js-actionButton.a-Button--hot[data-action="save"] { display: none !important; }

Note: In all the above codes Replace YOUR_IG_STATIC_ID with the Static ID of your Interactive Grid.

Happy CODING!!!

Thank You :)


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