Show Help Text using JavaScript in Oracle APEX


This blog explains, how to Show Help Text using JavaScript in Oracle APEX. 

Follow the below steps to achieve this.

1) Create a Region

2) Create a Button in the region.

3) Create an On Click dynamic action for the button.

4) Create a True Action (Execute JavaScript Code) and paste the below code.

    title: "Help",
    helpText: 'This is a help text box'
  • The Help Text also accepts HTML. Below is an example on how to use HTML in the help text.
    title: "Help Text with HTML",
    helpText: '<style>'+
                  '.li-color {color:blue;}'+
                  '<li class="li-color"><b>This is a help text box that accepts HTML formatting</b></li>'+

Click here for DEMO

Happy CODING!!!

Thank you:)


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